
This video covers main ways I’m adding AI to my sales process.

It’s all OPTIONAL. :)

You don’t need AI.

You don’t need automation.

You can manually continue working the way you’ve always worked.

But me?

I’ve always loved automation.

Shortcuts and tools to make me more efficient.

So now with all the AI tools, I’m either excited or overwhelmed!

There is so much happening.

So many shiny objects.

So many promises to automate my sales.

Yet once you start trying them, its often underwhelming.

Big promises.

Poor delivery.

But don’t throw the baby out the bath water!!

Take your time.

Pick 1 LLM.

Pick 1 agent or no-code builder.

Work consistently and eventually your workflow and productivity gains will compound.

… and so will your confidence and competence.

If you want my personal help or more insights on my processes and tools:

  1. Subscribe to an annually or monthly plan.

  1. Post a Question in my Monthly AMA (starting February)