When identity isn't in what you do, but in what you can PRODUCE
Focusing on results over process
I know this way of thinking doesn't come naturally.
Naturally, we want to be smart.
We want to be the best.
We want to be in control.
We are more focused on how we do something than on the actual results. At least this was true for me. I've always been creative, I've always been multi-talented. I've always enjoyed the process of learning, creating, and sharing. However…
As I embrace and embody this new world powered by AI, I see that focusing on myself as a limitation.
If I get caught up in beliefs and stories about authenticity, transparency, and being unique, I won't be thinking about the people I want to touch and the lives I want to impact.
If I can get more done with a tool, why not?
If I can accomplish more with an employee, why not?
If I can reach more people by partnering, why not?
All these options are about producing results outside of my hands and mind. It takes a level of humility and selflessness to embrace whatever is necessary to get the job done.
Are we really committed to our mission?
Or are we committed to being seen and involved?
Maybe it's just an evolution and a sign of maturity with age. Maybe it just happens in time… but this is where my mind is today.
I want to go beyond my own mind.
I want to go beyond my own intelligence.
I don't care if it's artificial or if it's my wife's. I don't want to be limited. I don't want to just think about myself.
My identity is NOT in what I do.
My identity is NOT in what I do.
My identity is NOT in what I do.
Yes, it's going to take repeating this a few times for it to stick.
Your identity is NOT in what YOU do.
You are not limited by what you can do. Or what you know.
You don’t have to be.
If you can embrace this, you can really thrive in this new world with AI.
Even in the learning process… You’re not limited by the books, courses, and podcasts you have time to consume.
Borrow someone else's mind!
Partner with someone else who already has the knowledge.
Learn as much or as little as you want.
Focus on the results, not the process.
If I can be a resource, please join me here.
If you can find any other resource, take it!
Focus on the results, not the process.
Your identity and value isn’t limited by what you do. It can be in what you produce.
Create a Great Day!
Arvell Craig